Thanks for booking your virtual Colour Analysis

I just received your payment for the online colour analysis, thank you!

Before I can start the analysis, I need to ask that you send me three pictures of yourself.

Once I have these I will make a start and have a document ready for you around 7 days after this.

Picture 1

Full Face Shot

A full face shot of yourself with no makeup and in natural light.

Make sure your hair isn’t hanging in your face.

In daylight, close to noon as light is the purest.

Not direct sunlight, so I can see your natural colouring.

  • Light is even on face.
  • Picture is in daylight, not grey or pink.
  • Picture is front on, no tilting or posing head.
  • Is not in direct sunlight.
  • Taken around noon for full spectrum lighting
  • Lighting is uneven on face
  • Not looking into camera
  • Shadowing present on face.

Picture 2

Eye close-up

I will also need a second picture in the same lighting with a close-up of your eyes so that I can see the shapes and lines in your iris clearly.

If taking pictures from your phone, you will not be able to take the eye picture with the phone facing you.

You’ll have to turn it around so that the lens is facing your eye.

  • Patterns in the iris can be seen clearly.
  • Picture is in focus.
  • Eye is well lit with natural light so  the colour shows true.
  • Picture is blurry
  • Iris pattern can not be seen clearly.
  • Picture was taken with phone facing forward (you must use your back camera).
  • Picture is taken in a dark room.

Picture 3

In your teens

If you have a picture of yourself in your teens that I can see to look at your colouring then also, that would be wonderful!

+ Your Hair Colour

Please let me know your natural hair colour.
